We Don't Want Anything as Much as This 11-Year-Old Girl Clearly Wants a Cat

Kids say they want a lot of things, but when push comes to shove, they aren't willing to do what it takes to get what they want. A girl named Romesa is not one of those kids.

The Texas-based child churned out a six-page thesis that outlined the reasons her parents should get her the one thing she wants: a cat.

"My 11-year-old sister just typed a six-page report on why we should adopt a cat loooool," Romesa's older sister Rimsha wrote on Twitter, alongside an image of the introductory page.

Romesa didn't just explain how "having a cat to play with will make me feel less lonely" and curb her use of "electronics because I'll have a friend to play with." Nope, she then hit her parents with a bulleted list of research-backed benefits, including how they give children higher self-esteem and can warn humans about seizures. (Did you know cat owners are 40 percent less likely to have a heart attack?!)

But she didn't end there. No, Romesa clearly knows that statistics alone don't win debates. She concluded with an emotional appeal that would tug at her parents' heartstrings . . . and guilt them with a bit of religious insurance.

"Cats need us," she wrote on the final page. "They are dying. What is better than saving a life? Prophet Muhammad always fed cats . . . "

We really hope Romesa's parents get her that cat — this girl has quite a bright future ahead of her.