You Won't Believe What This Little Girl Did After Knocking Over Her Elf on the Shelf

Everyone knows if a child touches an Elf on the Shelf it loses it's magic, so what's a child to do when they mistakenly knock it over? In 7-year-old Isabelle LaPeruta's mind, you call 911 because it constitutes an emergency!

The New Jersey tot was goofing around her house while her mother napped, when she suddenly knocked her Elf on the Shelf off his perch. Scared of what would happen next, she called the cops.

During her call she announces her name, but then has a moment of panic and begs the officers not to come to her home.

"Don't come to my house," Isabella pleads with the operator. She explains,"I was trying to call my dad" but mistakenly called the emergency number.

The operator responds, "You can just say you made a mistake."

But police are required to investigate all 911 calls, so a few minutes later, Isabella's mom was awaken by officers knocking on their door.

"The officer got there and the little girl came out and was trying to shush him away and saying 'you can go now,'" Old Bridge Police Lt. Joseph Mandola said.

Isabelle's mother, Lynanne LaPeruta, explained to the officer that it was all a mistake and that her daughter knows 911 is reserved for emergencies.

"She knows 911 is just for emergencies, but in her mind she was scared to death that Christmas was ruined and Santa wouldn't come," Mandola said.

But it wasn't ruined. In fact, when the town officers went out for the annual night of dressing as Santa and going through the town, they made a point of stopping at the LaPeruta home to assure Isabelle that the man in charge was not in the least bit upset.