How to Decide You're Ready to Add a Baby to Your Life

We don't have to tell you that having a baby is a life-changing event. So it's no surprise that some couples put a lot of thought and planning into the decision to have a child. And some, well, don't. Here, readers share how they decided they were ready for baby. How did you and your partner decide? Source: Shutterstock

Doctor's Advice

Doctor's Advice

"I went through a lot of medical problems to the point that my doctor told me if I wanted kids I better start trying. About two years of trying later, I got a positive." — Abby B. Source: Flickr user DoNotLick

No Plan Needed

No Plan Needed

"I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. That's how we decided. Surprise!" — Brittany L. Source: Flickr user Brown Guacamole

Finish the Bucket List

Finish the Bucket List

"We had a list of things that we wanted to accomplish before having kids (i.e. financial goals, buy a home, finish school). When they were done, we knew we were ready." — Courtney B. Source: Flickr user ohdearbarb

All About Timing

All About Timing

"It was an easy conversation:
'Hey I want kids and I would like them early.
Me too I want to have energy.
So I was thinking of going off birth control.
Sounds good.'

Four months later, we were pregnant." — LaLasha M. Source: Flickr user János Balázs

A Miracle Baby

A Miracle Baby

"We were told there was an 80 percent chance he couldn't have kids due to an accident he had been in. So we never really took any precautions. Surprise! He can have kids. We now have three." — Chelsea R. Source: Flickr user megnut

Waiting For the Wedding

Waiting For the Wedding

"We each had a child from previous marriages so we were an instant family — no discussion needed! We knew we wanted at least one child together and started trying on wedding night." — Cate M. Source: Flickr user tyleringram

Not Getting Younger

Not Getting Younger

"I told my husband to get this show on the road cause my eggs are getting old." — Loni L. Source: Flickr user cobalt123

Just Do It

Just Do It

"We didn't overthink it. You are always going to think you need a bigger house, more money, better job, a newer car, to take that European vacation, etc. The moment is never truly right. The timing is never perfect." — Erin W. Source: Flickr user storyvillegirl