6 Ways Moms Can Elevate Their Daily Routines — Without Spending a Fortune!

In the midst of hectic days full of multitasking and activities, it can feel impossible for a mom to find a few minutes, let alone a full moment, to herself. There's a never-ending list of things that need to be done, emails to be sent, lunches to be packed — you know how it goes. But as a primary cog in the machine of life, it's essential that moms take a little bit of time each day to make sure their needs are taken care of.

You know the saying: "If mama isn't happy, then nobody is happy." There is definitely truth to that sentiment! Here are six easy ways to make mama happy on a daily basis and small gifts you can give yourself.

The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time

Wake up half an hour earlier than normal. Sure, the extra sleep is always nice, but so is the tranquility of a house when you're the only one up. Use the time to read, savor a cup of coffee, or email with your friends. One rule: no household chores allowed!

The Gift of Friendship

The Gift of Friendship

Moms are always busy arranging play dates for kids but can't seem to find the time to arrange dates for themselves. Use the newfound time in the a.m. to (re)connect with friends online — via email or social media. Or buck the trend and write your friend a real letter with pen and paper.

The Gift of Technology

The Gift of Technology

These days, moms need to be connected to communicate and be organized, which is why so many are turning to Total Wireless. Relying on America's most dependable network and 25 GB of shared* data/month for just $25 per line for 4 lines makes it most definitely a mom must have.

The Gift of Indulgence

The Gift of Indulgence

Going to the spa on a regular basis is not something rooted in reality for most moms. But you can bring the spa experience home by investing in a facial tool like the Foreo Luna 2. This cleaning brush and anti-aging device gives you a thorough clean and makes you feel like you just left the esthetician.

The Gift of Peace

The Gift of Peace

Do you take a moment to breathe every now and again? No, really breathe, like deep breaths to center yourself. It's amazing how effective it can be when you actually do it. If you need a little nudge, an app like Breathe will get you on the right track with reminders and words of encouragement.

The Gift of Entertainment

The Gift of Entertainment

Sure, we use Amazon Prime religiously to get diapers, wipes, snacks, and batteries in two days, but there is a huge world of entertainment at our fingertips too. With the huge catalog of entertainment options on Amazon Prime, you can definitely sit back and relax every so often with a movie that doesn't feature cartoon characters.

We moms need to take care of ourselves, even if that self-care is a few luxurious minutes of each day. It's essential to your well-being, your sanity, and your ability to be the best mom you can be. Take the time for yourself and see what a difference it makes.

More from Total Wireless

More from Total Wireless

With Total Wireless, you get total confidence you're getting the best deal in wireless - and that means you get to be a Total Boss. Get nationwide coverage on America's largest, most dependable 4G LTE network, with plans including 4 lines for $25 each and 25 GB of 4G LTE† shared* data. This Total Wireless plan is a great way to keep the phone you love and ditch the plan you don't.

†* The 30-Day cycle for Shared Data Family Plans begins on the day the first line/device is activated. Any line(s)/device(s) activated later in the first 30-Day cycle will receive only the number of days remaining in that cycle. See Terms and Conditions of service at TotalWireless.com.