How I Finally Ditched the Cover-Up and Found Confidence in a Bathing Suit

Melissa Willets
Melissa Willets

Bathing suits are only for women with perfectly toned, kickass bodies. At least if you're going to be in public! This is what I used to think, and therefore, wouldn't be caught dead in a swimsuit unless I was at my "goal weight." To be honest, I spent years in that zone, feeling awesome about my body and having no problem slipping into a bikini. But then, I got pregnant five times in nine years. Each time, for months after giving birth, on the occasion we were planning a day at the pool or beach, I'd hide my postpartum, self-perceived imperfections under swim cover-ups, never daring to show the world my so-not-magazine-cover-worthy bod. And during pregnancy? Ha! No way. I would wear my one dowdy, old maternity bathing suit, shrouding my burgeoning figure behind a strategically placed towel or two.

Now, during my most recent pregnancy, I've grown tired of working so hard to keep myself under wraps and feel determined to make a change. So, I decided to ditch my worn-out maternity suit, which only ever served to make me feel matronly and unattractive, and purchase a cute suit I actually like and will wear. Out in the open. No cover-ups.

When my suit recently arrived in the mail, I was nervous to try it on, half-convinced I'd hate it before I even put one toe in a leg hole. Guess what? It wasn't half bad. Since I'd taken the time to shop online for something special for myself and really thought through how the suit would work with my present enhanced curves, baby bump, and, let's be honest, whale-size boobs, it ended up being fairly flattering. Of course, a tiny voice inside reminded me, "This is no 'I've lost all my baby weight so let's celebrate' bikini." I quickly shushed that major downer trying desperately to ruin my moment. Because I am pregnant, and curvier, and growing by the day. It's not an easy thing watching your body change, but why would I spend another moment just longing to be something I'm not?

I guess I'm realizing that if I am always waiting for the perfect or "right" time to wear a bathing suit, I will never put a suit on ever again!

I guess I'm realizing that if I am always waiting for the perfect or "right" time to wear a bathing suit — when I am 100 percent confident in how I look and only in certain situations or around particular people — well, I will never put a suit on ever again! So why not embrace my body now? The way it is today?

To other women out there, I'd offer this: maybe you have five pounds to lose or 50. Maybe you can't work out due to an injury. Maybe you're dealing with an illness, and your body feels foreign to you. Perhaps there are things about your figure you aren't happy with, that you can't change, like your height. Or your booty is big, just like every other woman in your gene line, and that's just the way it is. Perhaps like me, you're pregnant, or you recently had a baby, and wearing a bathing suit is kind of your worst nightmare.

No matter your story, don't let it prevent you from living in the present, accepting your body, and putting on a bathing suit you can love yourself in this Summer. In the end, the now is the only thing that's guaranteed, so don't waste it covered up. I don't plan to anymore.