6 Baby Food Delivery Kits That Will Make Your Life So Much Easier

Adding a new bundle of joy to the family means one thing: your schedule gets a whole lot crazier between late-night diaper changes and, you know, finding time to sneak in a shower. Fortunately for new mamas, the whole meal-kit thing is expanding to include even the smallest customers, which means one less thing off your plate, pun intended. And while the delivery range to get baby food shipped is mostly limited to the major metropolitan areas in the US, keep an eye on these rapidly expanding companies.

Nurture Life
Nurture Life

Nurture Life

The plans from Nurture Life literally grow with your kid. Start them off with the baby meals (we're talking everything from black bean to strawberry purees when they're superlittle to chicken meatballs and pasta once they hit 10 months). They also have options for toddlers, like braised beef and vegetable stew and mac and cheese with cauliflower. The best part? There are choices for children up to 14, so you can make sure they're eating organically for years to come.

Price: Plans start at $35 per week

Availability: Nationwide

Raised Real
Raised Real

Raised Real

Developed by registered dietitian Michelle Davenport, who has a PhD in nutrition, this meal kit hits your doorstep every two weeks with 20 meals for your little one in portioned (and adorable) pouches. And while Raised Real lets you do some meal prep at home thanks to the handy meal-maker machine you use to steam and blend your own baby food, you can be sure all the ingredients are plant-based and sourced from organically certified farms.

Price: $4.75 per meal

Availability: Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.

Little Spoon
Little Spoon

Little Spoon

This invite-only food delivery service is customized to your baby thanks to a team of pediatricians, nutritionists, and chefs, which makes Little Spoon a smart option if your kid has allergies. Everything is homemade and made from scratch, which also means it's organic and GMO-free, so your little one is getting the best of the best. And Little Spoon has several options when it comes to flavor profiles: try combos like beet, banana, and mango or go the kale, carrot, and pear route.

Price: Membership only

Availability: Only in New York

Smushed Organic
Smushed Organics

Smushed Organic

If you want your little one to get all the nutrients they need without any heavy-lifting on your end, then this weekly delivery service is right up your alley. Pick between six- or 12-meal packages that are broken down based on age for tykes who are either under six months old or a tad older. Try Smushed Organic's classic or "textured" classic packs that come in flavors like sweet potato, asparagus and pear, or apple. There is also a Little Explorer option for kids who are willing to try anything.

Price: Plans start at $36 per week, plus a $7 recycling fee

Availability: New York/New Jersey metro area



If you're interested in getting your hands just a little bit dirty, Thistle delivers flash frozen fruits and vegetables to your door that are already washed, chopped, and portioned. Pretty convenient, right? All you have to do is steam them and throw them in a blender and voila, dinner for your little one is done. Parents get to pick from meals with adorable names, such as Keep Calm & Curry On (butternut squash, rainbow apples, gala apples, and curry) or Little Green Machine (asparagus, tarragon, broccoli, and Bartlett pears).

Price: $45 per weekly box

Availability: Only in California and Nevada



The baby food that Yumi sends in glass bottles is an especially good choice if you're either a). Vegan or b.) Want your tot to have some flexibility when it comes to menu choices (there are options galore!). Parents can expect consistently fresh ingredients that can stand alone or get blended for picky eaters. Try flavors like white bean or butternut squash or go big with a banana-quinoa-blueberry-chia seed combo if your mini me is more adventurous.

Price: Plans start at $35 per week

Availability: Only in California