Mom Outlines Her 3-Year-Old's "Exhausting" Life — and We Can't Stop Laughing

Although newborns give new parents a hard and fast introduction to the sleep-deprived life of a parent, some could argue that having a toddler is even more exasperating, as that child is now a walking, talking, opinionated little monster kid you have to chase around all day. Darlene Vieira Soltani, mom to an almost 4-year-old, saw the irony in the fact that her son seems to lead quite the exhausting life himself and posted a photo of the adorable sleeping toddler along with an outline of his tiring daily tasks.

"He wakes up, maybe eats all his breakfast, plays with his cars, maybe watches some YouTube, gets dressed for school," the mom of two wrote on Instagram. "Goes to school for the day, gets home by 3:30. Eats a snack, watches YouTube again, maybe goes to the park for a bit; maybe not. Eats dinner, reluctantly reviews his day with me, maybe we practice writing a little. Bath time, books, bed. Literally falls asleep within five minutes."

The mom continued with her playful tone to the very end, when she actually shared the silver lining to her toddler's sleepiness. "Full day of school and no naps means this mama is free at 8:00 p.m.!!!" she wrote. "Who wants to come over for a bottle of wine?"

Can you sign a newborn up for full-day school and eliminate all naps from their day? Asking for a friend. (Just kidding. Kind of.)