Can You Find Kim Kardashian's Daughter in This Game of Hide-and-Seek? (Spoiler: You Can)

Kids are awful at hide-and-seek. It's frankly embarrassing to watch my toddler try to hide — either by instructing I go with her or by shouting, "Don't look! I'm going in your closet!" as she runs away. Worst, however, is when she wants to play hide-and-seek while she's on the potty and she just sits there, closes her eyes tightly, and asks, "Can you see me?" The jig is up, kid.

Kim Kardashian, while suffering the same fate, has a bit more to work with when it comes to her daughter, North West. In a tweet that Kim posted today, she announces that "North is the hide-and-seek champ" alongside a photo of an ottoman with a subtle giveaway of the little girl's secret location.

Can you spot her? (No, she's not behind the couch. Look again.)