When News Host Asked Parents What They Thought of Kids "Ridiculing" Senator Rubio, They F*cking Told Him What They Thought

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School shooting survivor Cameron Kasky took a rare opportunity to speak directly to his state's senator, Marco Rubio, during a CNN town hall in Parkland, FL, on Wednesday night.

The high school junior, who had endured our nation's latest school shooting — which took the lives of 17 people — just a week prior, bravely stood up and asked Rubio an important question: "Senator Rubio, can you tell me right now that you will not accept a single donation from the NRA?"

Rubio has raked in the most National Rifle Association donations of any Florida lawmaker, and in the 2016 election cycle, he received $9,900 along with the organization's A+ rating. (As a PAC, the NRA can give up to $10,000 per candidate combined for primary and general elections.)

"Senator Rubio, can you tell me right now that you will not accept a single donation from the NRA?"

The student's question, which began with a statement about how "anyone who's willing to show change" and how "anybody who's willing to start to make a difference is somebody we need on our side here," was met with a standing ovation by the crowd.

Rubio's response, however, didn't elicit the same reaction.

"People buy into my agenda," he said. "I do support the Second Amendment, and I also support the right of you and everyone here to be able to go to school and be safe."

Boos erupted, and the internet took notice. Fox News host Todd Starnes, seemingly less concerned with the First Amendment right to free speech than the Second Amendment, tweeted about the "hostile crowd" and wondered if the kids at the town hall "speak to their parents and teachers with the same level of disrespect." He also put a call out to parents specifically, asking if they'd allow their own children to act in such a manner:

Parents, what would you do if your child lectured and ridiculed a U.S. Senator on national television?

— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) February 22, 2018

Well, he got his answer:

Raise their allowance.

— Liz Schiller (@LMegaparsec) February 22, 2018


— Christa Hefley (@christa_hefley) February 22, 2018

Prolly be grateful their kid is alive to do it and speak for the slaughtered students who can't speak for themselves. https://t.co/iNzStCyVpZ

— Cheri Jacobus (@CheriJacobus) February 22, 2018

Extra ice cream, late bedtime, pony (if interested). https://t.co/GCyGNec9XH

— Wendy Molyneux (@WendyMolyneux) February 22, 2018

WITH SPRINKLES! pic.twitter.com/BiWObsdOZZ

— Vern MF Gill (@Real_AZVern) February 22, 2018

We'd definitely be going to Coldstone afterward

— Dylan 🌹 (@_flyentologist) February 22, 2018

Get a bumper sticker on my car that said, "Proud Parent." https://t.co/8jwY2cX7d2

— Ana Navarro (@ananavarro) February 22, 2018

Be thankful they are 1) alive and not dead in a senseless school shooting and 2) throw them a party for being brave, intelligent, and poised

— Alyssa Marie (@issyelliot) February 22, 2018

"Son, ridiculing Marco Rubio is how you become president." https://t.co/SnXuEXWk9B

— Steven Hyden (@Steven_Hyden) February 22, 2018

Well, if the Senator supported the sale of weapons that slaughtered kids, I'd call it a proud parent moment.

— Michael Florey (@mspmef) February 22, 2018

Sadly, these epic responses didn't enlighten or inform Starnes whatsoever. His follow-up?

Based on my informal Twitter poll/question from last night: a majority of parents say they support their children being disrespectful and belligerent to adults.

— toddstarnes (@toddstarnes) February 22, 2018

If deeply concerned citizens asking their elected officials questions — particularly those questions that might mean the difference between the lives of 17 people and their deaths — is "disrespectful and belligerent," well, then, yes, we parents fully support our kids being as disrespectful and belligerent as they like.