8 Fun Crafts to Get Kids Ready For Passover

With Passover just under a week away, we're gearing up for a festive holiday celebrating the exodus from Egypt. There's no better way to usher in a holiday than with some crafts the kids can make to get into the spirit. From colorful goblets for the night's special guest to a house made of matzo, here are eight crafts to make in preparation for the first night's Seder. Source: Creative Jewish Mom

Lego Seder Plates

Lego Seder Plates

Who knew that Lego pieces could easily be transformed into a creative Seder plate for tots? Bible Belt Balabusta provides step-by-step instructions for crafting a plate out of pieces you probably already own. Just wait until the kids see this on their end of their table. Source: Bible Belt Balabusta

A Felt Seder Plate

A Felt Seder Plate

Mom might not be ready to hand over her heirloom Seder plate to her tots, so having the little ones create their own felt version may be the safer way to go. Using little more than colored felt and a cake base, the plate is a fun and easy craft that kids can create in the hours leading up to the meal. Source: Design Megillah

Simple Origami Jumping Frogs

Simple Origami Jumping Frogs

Frogs are one of the most popular plagues doled out in the story of Exodus, and these simple origami jumping frogs are a fun thing for kids to bring to the Seder table and unleash at just the right moment. Source: Creative Jewish Mom

A Matzo House

A Matzo House

Bring out the builder in your tots this Passover! Though the holiday teaches us that the Jews had to flee their homes, this fun (and mostly edible) craft will have your little ones building a new kind of shelter for the holiday. Not only can children get involved in building and decorating this dwelling, but it also makes for a great centerpiece during your Seder (just don't get mad when the kids start eating the decorations while waiting for their meal!). Photo: Rebecca Gruber

Plague of Frogs

Plague of Frogs

The reciting of the 10 plagues is often the most memorable part of the Seder for the youngest attendees, so they're sure to love covering the house in tons of frogs — the second plague handed down. This paper-doll-style frog infestation craft makes for a fun way to decorate the home for Passover. Source: Brenda Ponnay via Alphamom

Elijah's Cup Passover Craft

Elijah's Cup Passover Craft

While your kids won't be drinking four cups of wine throughout the Seder, they certainly know the importance of Elijah's cup. With this Elijah's cup Passover craft, kids can create their own colorful wine goblet for the meal's guest of honor. Source: Brenda Ponnay via The Shiksa in the Kitchen

Red Sea Diorama

Red Sea Diorama

Kids love the tale of the parting of the Red Sea, and this Red Sea diorama — made from sandpaper, foam core board, and card stock — is a fun way for them to depict it during Passover. Source: Hands On Bible Teacher

No-Sew Afikomen Bag/Envelope

No-Sew Afikomen Bag/Envelope

The most fun part of the Seder? Looking for the Afikomen — or broken middle piece of matzo. To get little ones in the spirit of the hunt, have them craft their own bag — or envelope — that the grown-ups can use to hide the prized piece of matzo. This no-sew Afikomen bag doesn't require any needles or thread and can be decorated however your kids want! Source: Creative Jewish Mom