The 13 People Who Actually Care About Your Pregnancy, Ranked

Considering how much you care about your pregnancy, it's hard to imagine that not everyone feels the same way. On the contrary, the people you expect to care most about your impending baby seem to all but forget you're expecting while perfect strangers ask you more probing questions than a first-year obstetrics student during rounds.

Before you set unrealistic expectations for who should be actively excited about your pregnancy, consult this primer for a ranking of all the people in your life and how involved they'll really be over the next nine months. From your mom to your doctor, here's the definitive list of who cares most to who actually cares the least.

Your Mom

Your Mom

Sometimes you wonder if your mom cares more about your pregnancy than you do. But can you blame her? She's very likely been anticipating this exciting turn of events since the day she found out she was pregnant with you.



Sandra in marketing can never seems motivated to meet her work deadlines, but she sure can give detectives a run for their money when it comes to finding out if her employees have a run-of-the-mill flu . . . or morning sickness. The reason for your colleague's insatiable interest? Sorry, but it's likely more to do with who's going to have to pick up the slack when you go out on maternity leave.

Your "New Mom" Friends

Your "New Mom" Friends

Any of your friends who recently had a baby are going to be so excited (read: SO EXCITED) for you to have one, too. They'll finally have someone to text with at 4 a.m. when no one else ever responds. They'll finally have someone to give both solicited and unsolicited advice to, and they'll finally a friend who doesn't need to be reminded that they're bringing their toddler with them when they meet up for coffee.

12-Year-Old Children

12-Year-Old Children

Actually, kids at pretty much any age are going to be intrigued by that baby bump you've got growing there. And how you got it to begin with (don't answer that). Because kids say the darndest things, they'll also let you know that your ankles are the size of a dinosaur's.



At times, they're blissfully kind. But often, they're silently judgmental. Be careful what you put on the conveyor belt unless you want the grocery store checkout lady to give you the old up-and-down as she rings up your copy of Us Weekly, your economy-size bag of M&Ms, and your case of almost-adult-diaper-size maxi pads.

Your Pet

Your Pet

How animals even know anything is happening at all is cause for some veterinary research grant. But until science can weigh in, don't overthink your dog or cat's weird behavior — Spot's so cuddly lately! Felix won't eat her treat! Stop humping me, Luna! — that kicks off the moment you come back from your first ultrasound appointment.

Fellow Commuters

Fellow Commuters

The level to which perfect strangers on public transportation care about your pregnancy is actually the most extreme, so we decided to rank it close to center. Here's why: in just one commute to work, you'll likely be standing up on a crowded train with your bump in the face of a man "reading" something "very important" on his phone, when in fact he's actively refusing to acknowledge your existence so he doesn't have to give up his seat. Meanwhile, on that same commute, an elderly woman with a cane will look at you, smile with such pride that it makes your baby kick, and she'll offer you her seat.

Your Single Friends

Your Single Friends

Your besties celebrated your ability to create life the day you announced the news over brunch, and that's enough for them. They have other things to talk about besides your pregnancy . . . like sports, or politics, or why Jill broke up with Tim and what that means for the housewarming party Kevin is hosting this weekend.

Your Partner

Your Partner

Why isn't your partner up top with dearest Mom? Because he or she is the one who got you into this mess, and no amount of caring will ever come close to how much you expect, nay, deserve. Plus, if they cared so much about your pregnancy, why are you the only one highlighting passages in your shared copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting?

Your Extended Family

Your Extended Family

The reason it's common practice to send birth announcements in the mail is because, even if you told your cousin Brian that you were having a baby, he probably forgot by the time you actually did.

Your Veteran Mom Friends

Your Veteran Mom Friends

Unlike those new mom friends desperate for someone to arrange playdates with, your seasoned mom friends — you know, the ones with two or more kids at home or the ones with a child approaching middle school — don't have time to care about your pregnancy. Or if they do, it's only so they can actively gloat about your naiveté.

Other Pregnant Women

Other Pregnant Women

You might feel like a very special unicorn when you're out running errands. Everyone seems to notice you — passersby give you a wishful nod and moms pushing strollers share a knowing smile. But the moment you walk into your hospital's waiting room, or your childbirth class, or the gym locker room a few minutes before prenatal yoga, it's as if you're invisible. Among your pregnant peers, you're a dime a dozen.

Your Doctor

Your Doctor

That's right: the one person charged with monitoring your pregnancy, keeping you healthy throughout your entire gestation, and delivering your baby probably cares about it the least. Don't be discouraged. OB/GYNs see dozens of pregnant women every day — probably thousands over the course of your pregnancy alone, so just because they have to look at a chart to even know your name, trust that they're doing their job.