Your Baby Can Jam Out to a Soothing Version of the Hamilton Soundtrack

Hamilton-lovers trying to get their babies to sleep, rejoice! Gone are the days of more traditional lullabies and nursery rhymes as Rockabye Baby just made an announcement that's music to our theater-loving ears: your baby can now listen to lullaby versions of the Hamilton soundtrack.

Featuring softened versions of the same catchy beats and melodies as the original soundtrack, the lullaby versions remove the lyrics (your child will have to wait to get those memorized), allowing your baby to totally zen out and fall asleep while still reaping the benefits of having Lin-Manuel Miranda's genius in their life.

So if you're feeling a little "Helpless" (sorry) when it comes to getting your little one to sleep, lay your baby down in their crib and play these sweet tunes for them. You can find the whole album on Spotify below (save it to your own library!) or you can purchase it on iTunes ($9) or Amazon ($8).