Sarah Michelle Gellar Committed the Ultimate #MomFail When Applying Sunscreen on Her Kids

Sarah Michelle Gellar's latest Instagram post might just be the perfect metaphor for moms being selfless to a fault.

Her self-proclaimed "public service announcement" was accompanied by a selfie showing off a fresh sunburn on her chest and shoulders.

"Parents," she implores, "when reapplying sunblock on your children, don't forget about yourself."

She labeled it a #momfail, and it really is the ultimate mistake even the most cautious parents make – taking an abundance of care in protecting their kids for the sake of themselves.

Let her PSA be a reminder to practice the airplane oxygen mask philosophy: to take care of yourself before helping others. Sure, we totally understand the very real need to pile sunscreen on rambunctious kiddos as soon as possible – you can only keep them still for so long when there's a pool or playground in eyesight. But just don't pull an SMG and forget about yourself, OK?