This Dad's "Shut Up and Dance With Me" Parody Is Every Sleep-Deprived Parent's Theme Song

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Don't act like you haven't been there. You think you have the kids down for the night when all of the sudden, it's 11:30 and they're at your bedside asking for a glass of water, telling you they had a nightmare, or just telling you they aren't tired. Well, one dad has reached his limit, so he did what every sleep-deprived dad would have done — he wrote a parody about it!

Reed Verdesoto has three daughters under the age of 5, and he's not getting much sleep. The Pittsburgh-based graphic designer says the lyrics for his hysterical "Shut Up and Dance With Me" parody — "Shut Up and Go to Sleep" — came to him after an endless night of bed jockeying with his kids. Just listen to the lyrics and we're sure you can sympathize:

"No, don't you dare get up, no you don't have to pee.
She said I want a drink.
I said, shut up and go to sleep!
These kids will be the death of me.
I said, ohhh shut up and go to sleep!"

Like Go the F**k to Sleep before it, this song is about to become the anthem of sleep-deprived parents everywhere. Just try not to sing it as your kids' bedtime lullaby!

YouTube | Reed Verdesoto