Frustrated Mom's Viral Message About the Pressure State Tests Put on Her Kids

When Adrian Wood received a call from the nurse's office, she was told that her child was in tears over jaw pain. The concerned mom spoke to her third-grade boy and asked if he wanted her to pick him up.

Despite the pain, the boy told his mom that he couldn't go home because of the EOGs (North Carolina End-of-Grade Tests). She quickly explained that his health comes first and of course he could leave school if needed. However, her child didn't see it that way. "If I don't pass, I won't go to fourth grade," the stressed child replied.

At this point, Adrian is more than over the pressure that these state tests put on young children and wants that weight to be lifted. This teary phone call reminded her of her older child last year before he took his state exams. Since then, she's spoken to the teacher, school principal, superintendent, and Governor Roy Cooper. She's also written to her senators, representatives, and state superintendent looking for answers about the benefits of these lengthy exams for young children.

"Just today, I spoke quite a while to First Lady Cooper's chief of staff who interestingly enough refuses to allow her children to participate in North Carolina EOGs," she wrote in an impassioned post on Facebook. "I can't find one person that praises them or offers valuable benefits. I hear about showing growth, but who gives a sh*t?"

Adrian made a plea to the general public to share their thoughts and experiences with anyone willing to listen — and especially those who don't want to hear it. "Use your voice to speak for our children and our teachers," she wrote. "Tell me how EOGs and the pressure they bring benefit my family. What message are we sending to our children? How will they remember the days of elementary school? Will they remember the awesome teachers that nurtured them or will they only remember those tests? Tests that had little to do with amazing schools."