A Few Things to Do Before He's Through Being 2

A long day at home with a 2-year-old can leave you feeling exhausted, defeated, and desperate for a generous glass of wine. Or, it can leave you feeling the way that I do today: incredibly grateful, like it's all going by too quickly, and yes, still exhausted. Maybe it's that he's on the closer-to-3 side of 2 now. Maybe it's that I only have four more months left of him being our one and only. Or maybe we just had a really great day together (minus the skipped-nap antics). Regardless of the reason, I'm finding myself feeling especially sentimental about all of the very best (and most fleeting) parts of having a 2-year-old as I glance over at my baby/big kid sound asleep on his monitor.

Laugh With Them
Flickr user Joseph Boss

Laugh With Them

What's sweeter than the sound of a child not just laughing but completely and totally cracking up? Two-year-olds tend to be suckers for the same "joke" on repeat — and after the 14th time that you've made Elmo fall off the bed, it becomes tough for any sane adult to keep the enthusiasm level up. But appreciating the fact that they're really this happy over this little is enough to make any parent grin and bear it.

Strap Them Into the Stroller
Flickr user Ian D. Keating

Strap Them Into the Stroller

They're becoming more and more independent every day, which is a good thing, but being able to navigate a museum or shopping mall — or go for a lengthy walk or jog — with your tot safely strapped into the stroller is a total luxury. Take advantage of it while you still can (that is, if you still can!).

Make Your Friends' Kids Their BFFs
Flickr user Luke Kanies

Make Your Friends' Kids Their BFFs

Before you know it, they're going to be requesting after-preschool playdates with kids you've never even heard of. Enjoy the awesome but brief phase of being able to dictate their social lives for them.

Feed Them Anything and Everything
Flickr user David Goehring

Feed Them Anything and Everything

For many toddlers, 2-3 is the age when picky eating really rears its ugly head. If your formerly daring diner starts requesting chicken fingers for every meal, stage a (subtle) intervention, and do your best to switch things up as often and with as much variety as possible to keep bad habits from forming.

Really Listen to (and Try to Remember!) All of Their Amazing Conversations
Flickr user Nick Olejniczak

Really Listen to (and Try to Remember!) All of Their Amazing Conversations

. . . With themselves, with you, with their friends — their early use of language is pretty much guaranteed to be priceless. Soak it all in, ask question after question, and enjoy the most unpredictable conversations of your day.

Write It All Down
Instagram | annalambsnkings

Write It All Down

You may think you'll remember those sweet and hysterical things that they say and do, but a mom's mind is a crowded one, and it's crazy how quickly you'll forget. You don't have to have a formal "baby book," though. Use an app, create an email address for your child to forward fun anecdotes to, or just keep a running "Notes" document open on your iPhone to jot down quotes as they happen.

Snuggle Them
Flickr user Jessica Lucia

Snuggle Them

If you have a cuddly little kid, take advantage of every last snuggle they'll give you. It could last for years, but they could also push you away tomorrow, so soak it in while the option's there!

Dress Them Like They're Little
POPSUGAR Photography | Lisa Horten

Dress Them Like They're Little

Just as the mere sight of newborn clothes will tug at your heartstrings once your baby hits the ripe old age of 1, tiny toddler shoes and coats make the moms of kindergartners nostalgic. Embrace the sweetness, and avoid those damn light-up sneakers for as long as you possibly can.

Don't Drop That Nap
Flickr user Christopher Vu

Don't Drop That Nap

Seriously, cling to this precious midday break for as long as you possibly can. For both your child's sake and your own, it's a gift that you're guaranteed to miss once it's gone.