This Is the Real Reason Parents Take Their Babies Trick-or-Treating

If you've got a baby or even a toddler, the premise of Halloween trick-or-treating might not seem entirely necessary. Why go through the hassle of picking out a costume and going door to door on a chilly October evening (well past bedtime, no less) when your little one is too young to even remember any of it?

Well, there's one reason, and Esther and Thad Anderson, the funny parents behind Story of This Life, have zeroed in on it: all that confiscatable candy.

So watch the video they posted last year – that still rings true today! – to see how it's done, and then put your not-yet-forming-memories tot to good use this Halloween.

(Side note: for those fans of Story of This Life, watch until the very end to relive their exciting announcement!)