Mom's "Biggest Regret" Is Not Being in Photos With Her Kids and Late Husband

It's a common sentiment to let go of the things you can't control in life, but one mom is urging other parents not to regret the things you can control following the death of her husband in 2009. Michelle Steinke, a fitness trainer, speaker, and founder of the blog One Fit Widow, took to her Facebook page to share with others her "biggest regret" because she doesn't want to see others make the same mistake she did.

"I suppose we all have regrets. We shouldn't, but we do," Steinke wrote. "One of my biggest regrets is that I wasn't in many photos. My self-hate and loathing kept me from taking photos of my babies and photos with the man I loved. Hindsight is always 20/20."

Steinke continued, noting that she can of course now pinpoint exactly why she was "stupid" for worrying about what she looked like in photos because her husband and children loved her regardless of her weight and appearance.

I can tell you now it was stupid. . . . I can tell you when he was gone and they started to grow I regretted not being in more photos and loving the life I was living when I was living it. . . .

The day he died, all I cared about was the memories we made, the trips we took and the photos of our whole family. I regret not being in the photos.

Perfection is a myth. Even after I lost 70 pounds and found my fitness, I realized I still was far from perfect. You can always work on improving yourself, but this moment will never come again. Don't waste it wishing you were more.

Steinke ended her post with an important message to others, especially moms: "You are enough, right now, right as you are. Take the photos. Love your life. Don't regret what you can control."