How 1 Boy With Autism Got the Haircut His Mom Didn't Think Was Possible

For parents of children with autism, there are specific activities that can be overwhelming, sometimes triggering temper tantrums and chaos, but one woman went above and beyond to make sure a young boy had a successful haircut, something he usually can't stand. Jennifer McCafferty opened up on Facebook about her son Isaiah's recent haircut, where she praised an employee for giving her and her son an experience she will never forget.

"This woman, Kaylen, at Sports Clips in Charleston did more for my heart than she will probably ever realize," Jennifer wrote. "Haircuts with Isaiah are no small feat. He hates having anything near his ears, the sound of clippers sends him in to a tailspin . . . this evening was no different. I was ready to give up, but she wasn't. She sat on the floor with my baby in her lap, and she cut his hair. They talked about Dory and Christmas, and she even let him spray her with her water bottle. Autism can be so very, very hard, but people like this make our days just a little easier."

It was Kaylen's patience, kindness, and huge heart that made it possible for Isaiah to get a haircut, and we can only imagine how thankful his mother was. We're guessing Isaiah is going to be her new regular client!

Kaylen responded to Jennifer's post, writing, "I am so beyond happy that I could make his experience less stressful and scary. He made my heart smile. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful little boy. This whole experience has been so humbling and heartwarming. I never knew what impact just doing my job could have on someone. Thank you for letting me cut his hair."