Skip the Gas Station With These Healthy Road Trip Snacks For Kids

POPSUGAR Photography | Tarah Chieffi
POPSUGAR Photography | Tarah Chieffi

With school ending soon, many of us will be packing up the car and hitting the road for vacation. I don't know about your family, but spending all day in the car makes my kid pretty antsy. I pack as many games, toys, and coloring books as I can, but my son still gets bored, and we often turn to snacks to help pass the time (let's be real: the snacks are really for me, too). If we are going to be snacking all day, I want them to be healthy and delicious — no vending machine candy bars in my car! To me, healthy means short ingredient lists, little added sugar, and ingredients I can pronounce.

Read on to find out what you should be packing in your cooler this summer that your little ones will love and you can feel good giving to them.

Epic Hunt & Harvest Mix
Tarah Chieffi

Epic Hunt & Harvest Mix

You'll love this sweet and savory spin on trail mix. Each resealable package is divided into two sections: one with 100 percent grass-fed, organic jerky and the other with nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. They have no refined sugars and are gluten-, soy-, and dairy-free.

Find Epic Hunt & Harvest Mix near you.

That's It Fruit Bars
Tarah Chieffi

That's It Fruit Bars

The name says it all: it really is just fruit! The only ingredients you'll find in these chewy fruit bars are those pictured on the front of the package. No preservatives, no added sugar, and perfectly sweet! They come in a variety of flavors like Apple + Banana, Apple + Coconut, and Apple + Blueberries.

Find That's It Fruit Bars near you.

GoGo Squeez Organic Applesauce
Tarah Cheiffi

GoGo Squeez Organic Applesauce

Pouches aren't just for babies; they make a great on-the-go snack for big kids, too! These easy-to-use GoGo Squeez Organic Applesauce pouches don't require a spoon and are made with 100 percent fruit. No added sugar here and (hopefully) no mess!

Find GoGo Squeez near you.

Tarah Chieffi


Larabar is a road-tripper's best friend. These perfectly portioned fruit and nut bars come in a variety of flavors, each made with nine ingredients or fewer and many without added sugar. It may be hard to believe that they can pull it off, but they really do taste as good as the name on the package. With their newest Superfoods line, you can even sneak a little kale or beets into your kids' afternoon snack.

Find Larabar near you.

Fruit & Cheese Packs
Tarah Chieffi

Fruit & Cheese Packs

This homemade snack provides a little protein and a little sweetness in a car-friendly, resealable bag. Even better, you can let your kids choose their favorites. Pick out a couple of poppable fruits and some cheese cubes and simply portion them out into snack-size baggies.

Epic Bars

Epic Bars

Another winner from Epic Provisions! Epic Bars are similar to beef jerky, but softer and easier to chew. They come in 12 protein-packed flavors like Turkey Almond Cranberry, Beef Apple Bacon, and Chicken Sriracha. My son loves his "turkey bars" as much as I love this convenient, packable granola bar alternative.

Find Epic Bars near you.

Bare Snacks Cinnamon Apple Chips
Tarah Chieffi

Bare Snacks Cinnamon Apple Chips

These cinnamon-baked apples from Bare Snacks have the satisfying crunch of a chip with the sweetness of an apple. They are made without oil, contain no added sugar or preservatives, and are naturally fat-free. They come in other fun flavors, too, like Cinnamon Banana Chips and Honey Coconut Chips.

Find Bare Snacks near you.