How to KonMari Your Entire Home Without Wasting Money on Storage Containers

With lofty resolutions in full swing and Marie Kondo's Netflix mega-hit Tidying Up trending, it seems everyone is trying to get their home in order right now. If the idea of plunking down cash for perfectly coordinated storage vessels is the only thing keeping you from joining the movement, you're missing out.

Resourceful moms like Janine Young, a certified KonMari consultant, point out the plethora of free storage supplies most of us have lying around our homes. Case in point: Janine used an empty baby wipes container and an empty cardboard box she would have otherwise recycled to whip her daughter's socks and tights drawer into organized perfection. And others are following suit, whether it's reimagining an empty tissue box to corral perfumes or repurposing a porcelain cup to hold mascaras and eyeliners in a vanity drawer. You can also stick to cheap bins and baskets from retailers like Dollar Tree and walk away with the dresser storage equivalent of a Starbucks venti latte and baked good.

The point being that you absolutely should not procrastinate your joy-sparking just because you're having trouble finding the right boxes. For further convincing, scroll through this KonMari-inspired gallery of epic storage vessel usage, where organizing tools range from salvaged recyclables to pottery goods plucked from kitchen cabinets, and prepare to be fully charged and ready to organize!

Use empty jewelry boxes, ceramic kitchen cups, and decorative bowls you have lying around to organize a bathroom drawer.

An empty tissue box is an ideal vessel for holding toiletries, especially if they're tucked away under the sink or in a cabinet.

Label boxes by what's stored inside to make it even easier to stay organized.

Kids' shoe boxes can be great for creating a hair station.

Before you recycle that empty container of baby wipes, consider using it to organize a drawer. It's perfect for smaller items, like children's underwear.

Whip that crafting room into shape by organizing like items in old boxes.

Create a well-organized beverage drawer stocked with tea and cough drops for cold and flu season.

Save the prettiest jewelry boxes you have to store your favorites.

Once you finally get around to purging and organizing, you might be shocked to see how many items you've repeatedly and unnecessarily purchased only because you couldn't easily find them at home. Dental floss, anyone?

Even miscellaneous food storage containers can work well for organizational odd jobs, like stashing loose change.

If you're using open shelving for closet purposes, use boxes to keep everything tidy and easily accessible.

Dollar Tree bins can help keep your folding technique in tip top shape between laundry rounds.

Use inexpensive plastic bins to keep lunch boxes and sippy cups well-organized.

Thrifted glass containers will keep kitchen tools tidy and within quick reach.