Who Are the "Other 3 Dudes" Running For the Democratic Nomination?

We all know Hillary Clinton is the front runner and Bernie Sanders is the underdog popular with millennials. But what about dudes three, four, and five who joined them on stage at the first Democratic debate? Chances are you haven't heard of them — because they're currently polling at about one percent. Even so, the time has come for their big national debut. Let's get to know them now.

— Additional reporting by Mandy Harris

Martin "I Hate the Wire" O’Malley

Martin "I Hate the Wire" O’Malley

Age: 51
Credentials: Former Baltimore mayor, current two-term Maryland governor. Considered even more liberal than Hillary, he’s passed progressive laws on gun control, gay marriage, and Maryland’s own version of the DREAM act to provide free tuition to undocumented immigrants.
Fun fact: The Wire creator David Simon once told The Daily Beast he based the show’s corrupt Baltimore mayor at least in part on O’Malley. Yeah, we’d probably hate that show too. Also loves planking and his Irish rock band.
How he fared in debate no. 1: In his first chance to speak to the American public, O’Malley touted his executive experience and specific work on income inequality, marriage equality, and the minimum wage. He chose to focus his attention on middle class and social justice.

Jim "the Candidate With Military Experience" Webb

Jim "the Candidate With Military Experience" Webb

Age: 69
Credentials: Former senator from Virginia, Secretary of the Navy under Reagan, and Vietnam vet. Most of what we know about his politics stems from his Democratic response to the 2007 State of the Union, where he was pretty hard on President Bush. So far, most of his opinions and campaigning have happened on his Twitter feed.
Fun fact: Webb has written 10 books and won an Emmy. Remember that intense Samuel L. Jackson and Tommy Lee Jones war movie Rules of Engagement? That was this guy.
How he fared in debate no. 1: In his debate intro, Webb came out swinging against money in politics and also highlighted his work outside politics. And how can we forget the shout out to his five daughters?

Lincoln Chafee

Lincoln Chafee

Age: 62
Credentials: Former Republican senator and independent governor from Rhode Island. Cochaired the group Independents and Republicans For Obama in 2008.
Fun fact: Chafee was encouraged to leave the Republican Party by none other than fellow Democratic candidate Martin O’Malley. Talk about a backfire, O’Malley. Chafee also spent the better part of his 20s working in racetracks putting shoes on horses, so . . . we guess he knows about hard work?
How he fared in debate no. 1: In his opening statements, Chafee noted that he never had any scandals — something rare for a long-term politician. It’s also a handy way to differentiate himself from Hillary Clinton.