The Internet Stepped in to Help Democrats Come Up With a Better Slogan Because Honestly, It Couldn't Get Any Worse

As much as I hate to admit it, Make America Great Again was (and still is) a catchy slogan for Trump and his Republican supporters. During the 2016 presidential election, Democrats failed to come up with a exciting slogan that was able to rally voters in the same way MAGA did. Sure, there was "Love Trumps Hate" in response to Trump's troubling rhetoric and "Stronger Together" which didn't quite convey its fundamental message. Now, it appears Democrats are attempting to reshape their narrative with its newest slogan: "A Better Deal: Better Skills, Better Jobs, Better Wages".

Yeah . . . I'm not sold on that one either. It's a bit too wordy, and the internet seems to agree. Twitter user @MattNegrin took matters into his own hands and asked his Twitter followers to come up with a better slogan for the 2018 midterm elections using their last text messages, and the results were pure meme gold. Keep reading to see what we mean, and here's to hoping the Democratic Party can come up with a better slogan before election day arrives.

"My bad lol"

— Nathan. A person. (@npenny) August 2, 2017

what happened

— Katherine Krueger (@kath_krueger) August 2, 2017

"anyway, i'll certainly cross my fingers, i hope it pans out!!"

— Caroline Framke (@carolineframke) August 2, 2017