This New Drawing Experiment From Google Is Insanely Addicting

POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

Google's latest machine learning experiment will teach you how to become a better drawer — seriously. The tool, called Auto Draw, lets you draw anything and then it'll "correct" it to what it thinks you're drawing.

Auto Draw is free and works on a phone, tablet, and computer. Playing with the program is pretty simple. Literally draw anything you want, and at the top, you'll see suggestions of what Auto Draw thinks you doodled. If it has the one you drew, just click on it and you'll get the "correctly" drawn object.

POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

The "same technology" in Auto Draw powers another Google experiment called Quick Draw. With Quick Draw, you're asked to draw something in 20 seconds or less. The algorithm tries to understand what you draw. It's a lot of fun to play, but if you just want to doodle, stick with Auto Draw.

Start doodling away or submit whatever you draw to Google instead.