You're Going to Want to Zoom In on What Hillary Clinton Is Looking at in This Picture

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but in this case, Hillary Clinton's expression is definitely even more valuable. On March 2, The Indianapolis Star published a rather damning story that demonstrated that not only had Vice President Mike Pence used a private AOL email as governor of Indiana, but that the account was also hacked. Given that Pence and Trump's campaign supporters quite literally wanted to have Clinton jailed for her use of a private email server, the revelation is quite ironic. Clinton seems to agree, judging by the look on her face as she reads a USA Today headline on a plane earlier Friday.

You guys, my friend is on the same plane as Hillary Clinton. Zoom in on the title of the article she's looking at.

— J👏🏻O👏🏻H👏🏻N (@thelastwalt) March 3, 2017

According to The Huffington Post, Clinton was spotted on a flight from Boston with Huma Abedin by Caitlin Quigley, 32, who works at an LGBTQ health care center. Twitter users predictably had a field day envisioning what Clinton was thinking as she read the headline "Pence used personal email in office." Take a look at some highlights below.

When the straight bullshit hits.

— Matt Fuller (@MEPFuller) March 3, 2017

What's HRC looking at? it. ☕️☕️

Via @BraddJaffy

— Yashar (@yashar) March 3, 2017

lol that's gotta sting

— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) March 3, 2017

@jdawsey1 Hillary just checking the daily news. "Pence used personal email in office." The irony is palpable.

— Pere Noel (@RealSaintNick6) March 3, 2017

@thelastwalt @monteiro Her look 100% says "you gotta be shitting me"

— Glenn Hoppe (@ghoppe) March 3, 2017