Meet the Male Dancers Who Are Taking the NFL By Storm

NFL's 2018/19 season is quickly approaching, which means we're that much closer to a historic first: male cheerleaders on the field. That's right, for the first time in the league's nearly 100-year history, male dancers will be featured alongside their female counterparts during games and performances. The two NFL teams blazing the way are the Los Angeles Rams and the New Orleans Saints; Quinton Peron and Napoleon Jinnies have made the former, while Jesse Hernandez has been accepted to the latter. The season won't kick off until September, so in the meantime, check out the gorgeous men who will be strutting their stuff once everything gets going.

Napoleon Jinnies, Los Angeles Rams

Quinton Peron, Los Angeles Rams

Jesse Hernandez, New Orleans Saints
Instagram | _jessehernandez93_

Jesse Hernandez, New Orleans Saints