This Controversial New Arkansas Law Allows Men to Veto Their Wives' Abortions

On Thursday, Jan. 26, Governor Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas signed into law the Unborn Child Protection From Dismemberment Abortion Act. The controversial law strategically bans abortions after 14 weeks by making two of the most common abortion procedures given to women during their second trimester a felony. This means that doctors performing dilation and evacuation abortions in the state would be committing a criminal act.

Even more disturbing, however, is a clause in the law that allows a whole range of people in a woman's life to veto her abortion. Under the law, a woman's spouse, parent, or legal guardian can file a civil lawsuit against the doctor who plans to perform her abortion. A court order would then be issued to block the doctor from going forth with the procedure. In fact, even the woman's current or former doctor can file an injunction to stop her from receiving an abortion, which means that if you live in Arkansas, your former ob-gyn may have more control over your body than you do.

This isn't the first time a disputable act like this one has been introduced. Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and West Virginia all passed similar abortion laws, which were later dropped when challenged in court. The ACLU of Arkansas says it plans to fight the new abortion law before it is officially implemented this Summer.