This Is What the Devastating California Wildfires Look Like From Space


On Tuesday, Dec. 4, a series of wildfires broke out in Southern California. The fires, which seem to stem from the extended spell of dry and windy weather in the coastal state, have since multiplied and continued to burn. On Thursday, one NASA astronomer showed just how large and devastating these natural disasters are.

"I was asked this evening if we can see the SoCal fires from space," astronaut Randy Bresnik wrote on his official Twitter account. "Yes Faith, unfortunately we can." On Friday, Dec. 7, the NASA Twitter account posted even more images, showing the burn scars and active fires in new photos. Both Bresnik and NASA put out additional updates on Friday afternoon, showcasing a variety of images that would not only demonstrate the scale of the fires, but, as NASA put it, also "help 1st responders plan their course of action."

Keep scrolling to see all the updates from NASA and Bresnik. If you're wondering how you can help, consider texting "UVWC" to 41444, placing a phone call to (805) 485-6288, or mailing a check for "Thomas Fire Fund" to 702 County Square Drive, Suite 100, Ventura, CA 93003.