This Sexist Billboard Is Another Reminder of How Absurd 2017 Already Is

A billboard in North Carolina is causing a stir due to its controversial message. "Real men provide. Real women appreciate it," the sign reads. Located on I-40 near Winston-Salem, the billboard has drawn much criticism from those who see its message as inherently sexist. Molly Grace, a local boutique owner in the area, has even gone as far as organizing a protest against the sign.

The company that purchased the sign for $2,000 wished to remain anonymous, according to a statement from Bill Whiteheart, owner of Whiteheart Outdoor Advertising, the advertising agency that owns the billboard. "That billboard is like a piano, and if you rent it, you can strike the keys however you'd like to as long as it's not offensive or illegal," Whiteheart said.

Although the company has received phone calls from critics to take it down, Whiteheart also says the agency has received messages of support. On social media, some users spoke out in defense of the sign.

#realmenprovide and real woman appreciate it!! This doesn't take anything away from me as a real woman❤

— Dalene Woodward (@Dalenay) February 24, 2017

@CNN Nice! He can work, then relax at home. While he works, she cleans and cooks. They both enjoy each other in the evening. Perfect

— ESMERALDA M. BEATTY (@embeatty3) February 24, 2017

Others pointed out that the message is indeed sexist.

@CNN what is this 1922?

— Eric O'Donnell (@egomro4) February 24, 2017

Billboard: "Real men provide. Real women appreciate it."

— Zoel Lopez (@zm_lopez) February 24, 2017

@CNN Real men don't need signs like that. Real men support and empower women.

— Christine (@christysevans) February 24, 2017

As for Grace's planned protest, she says it's not about attacking anyone's First Amendment rights. "This is not an attack on free speech," she said in a statement to BuzzFeed. "You can say whatever you want. We're allowed to say it's offensive."