Samantha Bee Expertly Rips Into Trump For Getting It Wrong on Abortion During the Last Debate

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The candidates finally talked about abortion during the final presidential debate last week, but unfortunately, Donald Trump and moderator Chris Wallace got a lot wrong about the procedure. Fortunately for us, Sam Bee corrected their erroneous statements in her latest Full Frontal segment starting with Wallace asking a question about partial-birth abortions.

Bee grabs a megaphone to proclaim that partial-birth abortions "are not a thing" and that the term was made up by anti-abortion groups in the '90s. The correct term, she noted, is "late-term" abortion. "Chris Wallace conflated partial-birth abortion, which doesn't exist, with late-term abortion, which does — rarely" she said.

She then described just how rare late-term abortions are and how they occur only when the fetus has a fatal birth defect or the mother's life is in danger — not, contrary to what some think, as some type of last-minute birth control because the mother decides she doesn't want to have a baby anymore.

Bee wasn't going to let Trump off the hook, either. She expertly takes on Trump for claiming that doctors "rip babies out of the womb" late into the third trimester, saying, "Removing a baby from a woman's womb in the ninth month isn't an abortion: it's a birth." She rounds out the segment by praising Clinton's passionate response to Trump when the Democratic nominee said, "The government has no business in the decisions that women make."