This Second Grade Math Assignment About Slaves Will Leave You Shaking Your Head

Apparently, counting slavers is an appropriate way to teach children math. Parents of second graders at a Los Angeles elementary school were shocked to discover that their children were asked to tally slaves on a plantation for an arithmetic assignment.

According to an NBC Los Angeles interview with parent Kelly Gray, whose child attends Windsor Hills Elementary, students were asked to compute how many slaves a plantation owner would need to pick cotton among other questions that employed similar hypothetical situations and one about a man being "shipped to freedom."

"We just took a million steps backwards," said Gray about the assignment. Gray's mother, who was also interviewed, wondered why the homework was ever approved. "Someone could have said 'No, this is impossible. Are we really giving this assignment?'" she said.

The math and science magnet school is being investigated for the racially insensitive homework. According to Los Angeles County Superintendent Michelle King, the district is "committed to providing a safe, welcoming, nurturing, and secure learning environment" for students.

While Gray does not think the assignment was intentionally malicious, it is particularly thoughtless given that February is Black History Month.