Trump Fires Acting Attorney General For Defying His Ban and 4 Other Stories to Know Jan. 31

  • President Donald Trump fired Acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she refused to defend his immigration order in court. Yates raised serious questions about the ban's legality and instructed Justice Department lawyers not to enforce the order. Within a matter of hours, Trump fired Yates for "betraying" the Justice Department.
  • Oprah Winfrey has signed on to become a special contributor on 60 Minutes. Starting in the Fall, Oprah will regularly host a program which she hopes will promote unity. In the announcement, Oprah said her "intention is to bring relevant insight and perspective, to look at what separates us, and help facilitate real conversations."
  • Transgender boys will now be allowed to enroll in the Boy Scouts. The organization will reverse their existing stance to accept members based solely on the gender they apply with. Following backlash, the Boy Scouts had previously lifted their ban on gay youth joining in 2013.
  • Trump's pick for transportation secretary, Elaine Chao, was confirmed by Congress on Tuesday. Chao was the labor secretary under George W. Bush — she is also married to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Six democratic senators voted against her nomination, Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, and Elizabeth Warren among them.
  • Ollie, a bobcat at the National Zoo in Washington DC, disappeared on Tuesday morning. According to the Associated Press, he managed to escape the night before. He was spotted in neighboring communities. Animal Rescue is on the case and the zoo says he doesn't pose a threat to humans.