People Are Creating the Most Incredible Dances . . . to the Nostalgic Wii Theme Song

If you played video games growing up, then there are probably a few theme songs that can send you right back to the good ol' days in just a few bars. Who could ever forget the iconic score to Legend of Zelda, or even the elevator music that plays while you build your home on Sims? But there is one tune in particular that is capable of inspiring the most earnest nostalgia in the hearts of millennials: the Wii theme song that plays in the background of the Mii Channel. And while it's not exactly a "lit" track that inspires you to get up and dance, people are doing their damnedest.

In order to prove their ability to dance to even the most basic song, people on Instagram have turned the simple theme into a dance challenge: #TheWiiChallenge. Started by So You Think You Can Dance season 13 winner Kida the Great, the challenge is simple: turn the nostalgic video game theme song into a dance worthy of sharing with the world. Somehow, people are nailing it, too! Check out some of these surprisingly great examples of dancers channeling their inner Mii, then blow the dust off your Wii and let the music flow through you.