A Security Robot Decided It Was Time to Leave This World and Plunged Into a Fountain

Our D.C. office building got a security robot. It drowned itself.

We were promised flying cars, instead we got suicidal robots. pic.twitter.com/rGLTAWZMjn

— Bilal Farooqui (@bilalfarooqui) July 17, 2017

It's undoubtedly hard to remain positive these days when news around the world is rarely upbeat. This might be why a security robot in Washington DC said goodbye to its job and headed straight into a fountain. The robot, who was eventually rescued, gave the internet a good laugh.
The drowned robot was first spotted and tweeted about by Bilal Farooqui, as you can see above. Others in the office building also spotted the drowned robot and its eventual rescue.

It's a fun day here at @gmmb. The super high-tech security robot at our office complex has had a mishap. pic.twitter.com/nhRshrJA9w

— Greg Pinelo (@gregpinelo) July 17, 2017

The company behind the K5 robot, Knightscope, states on its website that "it utilizes data from multiple sensors . . . to develop a complete picture of its environment and determine a position within those boundaries." It looks like the K5 didn't do so great when it came to determining its own whereabouts, unfortunately.
All's right in the robot world, however — Knightscope has said it would provide a new robot this week "for free," according to The Washington Post.
Instead of taking this ridiculously hilarious moment for granted, the internet made some of its best jokes about the robot.

It's ok security robot. It's a stressful job, we've all been there. pic.twitter.com/LQbnntbCRm

— ✨💖 Sparkle Ops 💖✨ (@SparkleOps) July 17, 2017

wow i can't believe they baptized the robot pic.twitter.com/pqYjRCrzHE

— James Vincent (@jjvincent) July 17, 2017

And so did people in the robot's DC office building, as a memorial was created for "Steve" the robot.

This is the memorial for Steve the drowned security robot outside our office on his charging pad. The future is weird. pic.twitter.com/Pb7KLay1VO

— Oliver Griswold (@originalgriz) July 19, 2017

We'll never forget you, Steve! You're in a better place now.