The Era of Trump Saying "I Never Met Putin" Is Over — and There Are Photos to Prove It

After months — years! — of President Donald Trump going back and forth on whether or not he had met, had spoken to, or knew Russian President Vladimir Putin, the two men met officially on July 7.

Getty / Steffen Kugler

The meeting comes as the world's leaders gather in Hamburg, Germany, for the G20 summit, where topics such as climate change, Syria, and international trade are set to be key talking points. It's also the first time that Trump will be representing the country on a global stage and comes after a fraught couple of months where tensions have run high between the United States and its allies.

Protests took place across Hamburg in the lead-up to the event, but the first day of the summit saw the protests spiral into mass chaos and violence as more than 10,000 anti-Trump and anti-capitalist demonstrators gathered to protest the American president's arrival in the city. Things even got so bad that First Lady Melania Trump was forced to skip a scheduled meeting on global warming as the police couldn't clear the streets enough for her to get through.

Trump, for his part, has remained uncharacteristically positive. "I look forward to all meetings today with world leaders, including my meeting with Vladimir Putin," he tweeted as he headed to the event, adding the hashtag "USA" for good measure. If the initial photos are any indication, it does look like his first encounter with Putin went well. But as we all know, the president will be very quick to make it known to the twitterverse if anything goes sour — so we'll be keeping a very close eye on the situation as things progress.

For now, though, please enjoy a second picture of our president enjoying a plate of cookies and the company of Russia's highest leader, who appears to be using one of Trump's signature hand moves.

Getty / BPA