Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai Finally Met, and This Feels Like a Historic Moment

Malala Yousafzai and Greta Thunberg met for the first time on Feb. 25. Thunberg was visiting Oxford University — where Yousafzai is currently studying — to speak with students about climate change, science, and voting, and the inspiring activists got to spend some time together.

Naturally, they marked the momentous occasion with a few photos. "So... today I met my role model. What else can I say?" Thunberg captioned a photo of her and Yousafzai sitting on a bench. Yousafzai then joked on Twitter, "She's the only friend I'd skip school for." As prominent activists for climate change and female education, respectively, Thunberg and Yousafzai have acted as pioneers for change, and seeing them together certainly feels like a historic moment.