Watch President Obama Shut Down His Haters With a Viral Sarcastic Comment

Speaking at rally in Philadelphia in support of Hillary Clinton on Tuesday, President Obama addressed his haters with a sarcastic comment that quickly went viral.

"More Americans are working, more have health insurance, incomes are rising, poverty is falling," he said, addressing figures that imply life for Americans has gotten better under his administration. "And gas is $2 a gallon!" shouted a woman from the audience. "Thank you for reminding me," said the president before unleashing his zinger: "Thanks, Obama!"

President Obama on gas prices: "Thanks, Obama"

— The Situation Room (@CNNSitRoom) September 13, 2016

By saying, "Thanks, Obama!" the president was referring to the popular internet expression used by Obama critics to blame him for various troubles. Shortly after his comments on Tuesday, the hashtag #thanksObama started trending on Twitter. Thousands have since joined in on the conversation.