A Hotline to Report "Illegal Aliens" Got Swarmed With Calls About Actual Aliens

As part of the president's strict immigration policies, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) recently launched a new office for victims of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants. According to the website, the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement Office (VOICE) was created to "support victims of crimes committed by criminal aliens through access to information and resources." It's since become clear, however, that the office was not prepared for the internet.

In numerous places, the official website uses a number of derogatory phrases to describe undocumented immigrants, namely "criminal aliens" and "illegal aliens." As a result, people on the internet began trolling VOICE's support hotline reporting crimes committed by, well, actual aliens.

On Twitter, users shared the hotline number and suggested people to call and report UFO sightings and other ridiculous alien-related things. What's more, VOICE launched on Alien Day — an unofficial holiday that took place on April 26 — making the prank that much funnier.

If any of you need to report space aliens to our government, please call their hotline: 1-855-48-VOICE. Here are some of their Most Wanted: pic.twitter.com/nWnVYdDdpG

— Steven Santos (@stevensantos) April 27, 2017

In an interview with BuzzFeed, an ICE spokesperson confirmed that the hotline was indeed slammed with "hoax callers." The spokesperson said, "There are certainly more constructive ways to make one's opinions heard than to prevent legitimate victims of crime from receiving the information and resources they seek because the lines are tied up by hoax callers."