Watch Samantha Bee Hilariously Compare Congress to a "Puppy Discovering a Dildo"

Samantha Bee perfectly summed up the first month of Donald Trump's presidency: "We are only one menstrual cycle into this presidency, and there is blood in the water," she said on her latest episode of Full Frontal. Bee started the segment by discussing the latest actions of our GOP-controlled Congress, which she said is going "hog wild like Amish twins on Rumspringa."

The late-night host explained how Republican Congress members are using obscure legislation called the Congressional Review Act to roll back recent rules made during the Obama administration. When Congress discovered this act, "they were as excited as a puppy discovering a dildo — and just as destructive," she joked in the video clip below.

For starters, the Senate approved a bill that allows coal companies to dump debris in nearby streams, to which Bee exclaimed, "Who the f*ck asked for that?" She also told viewers how Republicans are making moves to roll back the Endangered Species Act.

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The TBS host continued her episode in another segment by taking down Paul Ryan, who she sarcastically calls a "faithful husky." But that's not the only apt comparison she offered for the Speaker of the House, as Bee also likened him to Taylor Swift in the clip below. "Watching Ryan play moral watchdog was like watching Taylor Swift pretend to be surprised at an awards show — bland and fake, but weirdly compelling," she said.

She then compared Trump to Swift's ex Tom Hiddleston, saying, "Take another cue from Taylor Swift, Mr. Speaker: know when to dump the guy you've only been pretending to like to help your career." Ouch.

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