Trump Is Displaying an Election Results Map in the White House, Because of Course He Is

Thanks to one sneaky reporter, we now have some interesting insight on how President Donald Trump is planning to decorate part of the White House. We already know of a few major changes he's made to the Oval Office, but now it looks like the POTUS is tossing in an additional decoration that has us (and the rest of the internet, for that matter) shaking our heads.

Spotted: A map to be hung somewhere in the West Wing

— Trey Yingst (@TreyYingst) May 11, 2017

Trey Yingst, a White House correspondent for One America News Network, recently tweeted an image of a large framed map displaying Trump's 2016 electoral college victory. "Spotted: A map to be hung somewhere in the West Wing," the reporter explained in the tweet. Yes, Trump still can't get over the election. Maybe he should also consider displaying that side-by-side comparison of his inauguration to Barack Obama's to bring him back down to earth a bit.

When Yingst shared the news of this eye-roll-inducing decor choice, his tweet quickly went viral, with many replying to comment on how "insecure" and "petty" the current White House staff is.

@TreyYingst This is beyond a doubt the shallowest, most insecure and amateurish WH ever, reflecting the occupant quite accurately.

— Anita Creamer (@AnitaCreamer) May 11, 2017

@TreyYingst OMG. look at all that empty farmland that voted for trump!

— Jessi_M (@Mess_OfMe) May 11, 2017

@TreyYingst He can hang it right below this

— Kevin J. Ryan (@wheresKR) May 11, 2017

@TreyYingst Momma always said, petty is as petty does.

— Patrick Thornton (@pwthornton) May 11, 2017

Maybe Trump should take Hillary Clinton's advice and stop talking about the election already.