This Is the DIY Every Small Kitchen Needs

If you can't get your day started without a steaming cup of joe, but you don't have the space for an elegant coffee station — or any of your other kitchen appliances, for that matter — then you need to check out this DIY from Live Simply. Blogger Kristin and her husband Dustin created a beautiful black pipe coffee station that has shelves for your essential java apparatus and so much more.

The multistep DIY — which is presented in step-by-step detail on Live Simply — can be customized to perfectly fit your space. We love that the black pipe station is not only rustically stylish, but is also highly functional and the perfect space saver for small homes. While the coffee bar is the perfect place to prep coffee, the middle shelf is the perfect place to elegantly stash large kitchen appliances like microwaves and mixers.

Take a cue from Kristin's styling and add woven baskets to hold things like extra beans and spare glass jars on the bottom shelf and add a tray and table runner to spice up the station up top. And instead of allowing coffee mugs to take up valuable real estate on the coffee bar surface, a hanging bar installed directly above it is the perfect spot to hang mugs.

Get all the directions on this attractive DIY on Live Simply, then build one for your own home.

Live Simply
Live Simply