How to Check For Breast Cancer in Your Dogs and Cats

I know some people are surprised to learn that breast cancer affects more than just women, but did you know it can even affect your pets? Looking for signs of breast cancer in your cats and dogs is very similar to checking for breast cancer in yourself, according to Dr. Phil Baxter, the chief veterinary officer of Vet on Demand.

Baxter recommends feeling for lumps in your cats' or dogs' breasts, including your male pets, as they can get breast cancer too. According to the American Cancer Society, Baxter said, 1 in 100 diagnoses and deaths is in a male, so don't forget to check them as well. Checking every month is a good idea, he advised, and regular six-month checkups with your vet are a good course of action.

"The single best way to prevent [breast cancer] in females is to have them spayed," he added. By doing this, the hormone surge that can sometimes lead to the breast cancer is halted. And as always, Baxter said, the key in early detection is being proactive, so keep these tips in mind all the time.