This Dog's Instagram Is a Cuter Version of Where's Waldo?

If you loved looking at Where's Waldo? books in your doctor's office waiting room, then this Instagram account is about to become your new favorite. Filled with photos of his pooch, Momo, Andrew Knapp's account has become a go-to for anybody looking for a tough mind game . . . or just cute dogs. Take a peek, and then see if you can #FindMomo hidden in these snaps — it's harder than it looks!

Take a look at this adorable face!
Instagram | andrewknapp

Take a look at this adorable face!

Now, can you find Momo?
Instagram | andrewknapp

Now, can you find Momo?

(Answer: He's at the far left!)

Instagram | andrewknapp

(Answer: He's near a middle fence post on the left side!)

Instagram | andrewknapp

(Answer: He's in front of the trees on the right!)

Instagram | andrewknapp

(Answer: He's near the skyline on the right!)

Instagram | andrewknapp

(Answer: He's near the front steps!)

Instagram | andrewknapp

(Answer: He's near the right-most bench!)

Instagram | andrewknapp

(Answer: He's on the very far right!)