Look Out, Anna Wintour — Lil Bub Is Ready to Take On the Fashion World

Sock It to Me
Sock It to Me

As rabid fans of Lil Bub's Instagram (where she accurately describes herself as a "lady, and a magical, one of a kind space cat"), we nearly jumped out of our seats at the chance to catch up with her about her latest project. Beloved internet starlet Lil Bub is currently dipping her paw into the elite world of fashion design as a celebrity judge for the 12th annual Sock It to Me Design-a-Sock Contest. Designers and fans of all ages are encouraged to submit a creative sock design sketch to Sock It to Me for a chance to win up to $2,000 and have their winning design manufactured as part of Sock It to Me's Fall 2017 collection! That is, if their designs are up to Lil Bub's high standards. Read ahead for our candid chat with Lil Bub about what makes a top-notch sock design as well as her deepest thoughts on distant galaxies.

POPSUGAR: You're a celebrity judge for this year's Sock It to Me design competition — tell us about that experience! What does Lil Bub look for in a winning pair of socks?
Lil Bub: I have a true passion for socks, despite not being able to wear them. My favorite part of being a judge for Sock It to Me's Design-a-Sock Contest is really just looking at so many amazing socks. In terms of "judging" for a winning pair, it requires such a deep level of focus and concentration that I find it difficult to express in words how to achieve it. All I know is that I look at the socks, enter an altered state of consciousness, and then snap out of it with my final decision. (Also, let me just say that if the sock design features dinosaurs, I'm gonna be all about it.)

PS: We love dinosaurs, too. Great choice. So, describe your personal style — who are the style gurus (four-legged or two-legged) you look to for inspiration?
LB: My style is best described as being minimalistic — well, I'm basically completely naked at all times. It's mostly inspired by exotic cloud formations on planets in distant galaxies, as they are all "nude" in their own very special way.

PS: Ah, yes, nude cloud formations are going to be big next season on the runway. You're onto something, Bub. Moving on, we know the fashion industry has a reputation for being pretty demanding. How difficult has it been to navigate that world as a cat?
LB: Really? I had no idea! I've been navigating this world rather effortlessly, using my relatively thorough understanding of your planet's gravitational pull combined with the intricacies of the movement of my own limbs.

Sock It to Me

PS: You're obviously a motivated feline — what's your ultimate career goal?
LB: Genuine world empathy and compassion. That will solve all of our problems.

PS: What should we expect to come next in Lil Bub land? Any exciting new design projects we should be on the lookout for?
LB: I'm glad you asked! Look out for exclusive, limited-edition Knit BUBgly Christmas Sweaters coming this holiday season.

Sock It to Me

PS: Any advice for all of the kittens out there who aspire to be an entrepreneur cat like you one day?
LB: I realize this may sound hypocritical following my last answer, but the truth is I'm not really an entrepreneur, at least not in the traditional sense. I just roll with the punches. I landed on this planet, people saw me, they were inspired and in love, and had a strong desire for cool stuff with my amazing face on it. I saw [the Sock It to Me competition] as an opportunity to raise money for animals in need. As a cat that never actively aspired for what success has transpired, I'm afraid I don't have much advice to give. With that said, my advice to kittens who aspire to achieve peace, love, and harmony is to just be yourself.