Tips to Keep Your Dog Safe Near the Water

Despite the assumption that any dog can jump in the water and swim, many dogs actually can't, and according to DogVacay, thousands of dogs drown every year. We've come up with a list of tips and things to keep in mind next time you and your dog are near a body of water to make sure that everyone stays safe.

  • Keep an eye on senior dogs. As dogs grow older, their eyesight dwindles, so it's easier for them to fall into the water simply because they can't see it. Also, because their range of movement has been affected by age, they may need a little bit of help once they're in the water.
  • Take a CPR class, and know your animal safety. By educating yourself on how to save your dog in case of emergency, you are helping yourself to become extraprepared. You can search for classes through the Red Cross or online here.
  • Make sure your dog can actually swim before allowing him to dive in unsupervised. If you've never seen him swim before, go in with him and hold on just in case a problem arises.
  • Invest in a doggy life jacket. You can never be too careful! There are plenty of cute ones on Amazon.
  • Make sure your dog will come on command. It's important that he will listen when you call him, in case he swims too far away or anything goes wrong during pool time.
  • Have fresh water for your pup to drink any time you go swimming. He will be burning off a lot of energy and calories while swimming, so he needs to have plenty of water to drink to rehydrate.
  • Spot-check his body, especially his paws, when swim time is over. Look for cuts and abrasions that need to be attended to. Also clean out his ears, as water in them can lead to infection.