A Man Demonstrates the Simple Way He Wakes His Deaf, Blind Dog, and My Heart Just Burst

Aiden Michael Mann has a dog who is both deaf and blind, and one of the questions he's often asked is, "How do you wake her up without scaring her?"

The pet owner decided to post a video demonstrating his simple, sweet technique for coaxing his pup, Plum, awake.

"I slightly blow on her," he wrote, as the Instagram clip showed him lying down on the ground and gently blowing at the dog's face. "She still gets a little startled until she feels me. Then she wants all the love."

A person in the comments section suggested waking her with smell by bringing a treat to her nose, and Aiden said he does that sometimes. "But if I don't have food, this is the only way she won't pee when I wake her."

Their cuddle session following her wakeup "call" was so sweet, particularly when Plum rested her paw on his face.

"Daddy's here," he wrote on the video. "And always will be."