Here's What Uncommon Pet You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Getty | Eugenio Marongiu

If you've ever wondered what pet you would be, why not try your zodiac sign for the answer? Your sun sign is a general marker of your sense of self, symbolizing your essence and how other people see you. Describing your unique inner center, it makes sense that your zodiac sign could be used to think of what pet you would be in another life. As each sign has its specific characteristics, your kindred spirit is basically written in the stars. Ahead, find out what pet you'd be based on your zodiac.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Ferret

Although ferrets are unconventional pets for a reason (they require special care that not every owner can provide), they make for incredible companions to those who are truly up to the task. And just like Capricorns, ferrets are independent, know what they want, and have a high dose of energy. Capricorns are known to get the job done no matter what it is, are natural leaders, and won't stop until they've completed their tasks. This can be that ten-page exam, a major organizational overhaul on your closet, or ferrets' favorite activity of collecting their favorite items all over your home (just make sure they're safe!).

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Gold Dust Day Gecko

Aquarius signs are famous for their independence and curiosity, traits that are also second-nature to the gold dust day gecko. Just as Aquarians are quiet thinkers at times, yet bouncing with energy at a moment's notice, these geckos have a similarly-wide behavioral range. This bright-green lizard is charming, active, and deeply unique as a companion, all aspects of the Aquarius. Even more, Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius, is known for its timid nature, further making the connection between this sign and the diurnal gecko.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Holland Lop Rabbit

Holland lop rabbits aren't just cute: they have a distinct personality that is extremely gentle, docile, and sociable, just like Pisces signs. Pisces are known for being kind, delicate, and generous, just like these cuddly rabbits, but can be moody or emotionally closed off to protect their selfless nature. Lop-eared rabbits love people, and can be just as calm and deeply trusting.

Aries (March 21-April 19): Corn Snake

Aries are confident, enthusiastic, and known for being extremely quick and fast-paced, which are all traits that can also be attributed to the corn snake. Just like the Aries-born, the red and orange snakes can be surprisingly docile and calm, yet can also be short-tempered and impulsive depending on the situation. Their intelligence and youthful energy sets them apart, and their slight feisty streak makes them all the more fascinating.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): Red Eared Slider Turtle

Red eared sliders are semi-aquatic turtles that are known as being incredible pets for their friendliness, social streak, and loyalty to their owners. Taurus signs are known for all of these traits, as well as for being devoted, patient, stable, and reliable. Reflecting red eared sliders' grounded nature, the Taurus is an Earth sign that makes for incredible long-term friendship and commitment.

Gemini (May 21-June 20): Potbellied Pig

Potbellied pigs are one of the most intelligent pets in the animal kingdom, which immediately recall Geminis and their insatiable curiosity. Like the pig, Geminis are affectionate, adaptable, and quick-witted, and they can also be deeply thoughtful and inquisitive when dealing with subjects they're passionate about. Just like Geminis have a child-like innocence and are often restless, pigs demonstrate an excitement for life that is almost unparalleled, making them oftentimes quite demanding as pets. Although potbellied pigs can make for great companions, one must be aware of the demands that owning one entails, as they can be needy, deeply social, and extremely energetic.

Cancer (June 21-July 22): Hedgehog

Another atypical, yet adorable pet is the hedgehog, which has more in common with Cancers than you'd first think. Cancer signs are notoriously emotional, can get attached easily, and like nothing more than to cuddle up with a book on their couch in peace. These traits are reflected in the hedgehog's solitary behavior, often curling up and using their quills to prevent others from getting closer (Cancer's defensive mechanisms recall this). That being said, they can quickly become dependent on their owners, make loving pets, and connect to Cancer's empathetic, gentle, homebody nature.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Bearded Dragon

Bearded dragons are some of the most warm-hearted, calm members of the animal kingdom, passive by nature as well as independent and low-maintenance. Leos have all of these same qualities: cheerful and brave, fending for themselves when needed, and generous towards others. With just a tiny bit of a lazy streak, bearded dragons give off all the Leo vibes.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Ants

Although as unconventional as they come when it comes to pets, ants (or an ant farm) are the epitome of a Virgo. Organized, hardworking to a fault, analytical, and practical, both Virgo signs and ants won't stop until the job is done, whether that's transporting a mound of dirt from one place to another, or getting that promotion they've been dreaming of. Some think Virgos are all work and no play, which can be true at times, but that's not the full side of the spectrum. The Virgo-born are also known to be passionate, kind, and just as powerfully social as an ant colony.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Parakeet

Libras are all about communication: some wildly talkative, and others communicative through their love of the arts, writing, or other kinds of expression. This trait is best symbolized by the parakeet, a pet bird known for its love of jabbering, being social, and showing off their playful streak. Libras are quite similar, with a penchant for diplomacy, and connecting with others. And just like the general rule that parakeets are happiest in pairs, Libras can dislike being alone, too.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Betta Fish

Just like Scorpios, the betta fish can get a bad rep that isn't always fair. Sure, Scorpios can be stubborn and have a defensive mechanism to ward off anyone that tries to harm them, but can you blame them? Just like betta fish, Scorpios are also resourceful, brave, passionate, and born leaders, fending for what's theirs. Betta fish are known to be intelligent, curious, and elegant pets, and will only get aggressive if placed in an antagonistic situation, such as two dominant males living in the same tank.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Gerbil

Out of the entire Zodiac, Sagittarius signs are the most curious and inquisitive, prizing freedom above all else. Gerbils are known for their independence, as well as their relaxed and easy going nature. Quiet and affectionate, yet constantly aware of their surroundings, gerbils are connected to Sagittarians in their deep curiosity, exploration, and being unconstrained as an approach to life.

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