The Best Small Pets to Adopt If You Already Have a Dog

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If you're a dog owner who's looking to branch out into owning a small pet, you might worry it'll be difficult to find a new companion whose personality and lifestyle meshes well with your dog's. There are so many small pets to choose from, so you definitely want to make sure that the next type of pet you're considering owning won't antagonize your dog, make your dog lash out, or trigger their prey drive (gulp). Fortunately, though, there are a variety of small pets that will befriend (or at the very least, tolerate) your canine pal. Remember, this will often depend on both animals' personalities, so trust your instincts! Whether you choose a sweet bunny or a laid-back lizard, here are 10 small pets that will likely get along with your pooch.


Owning both a dog and a bird may seem a bit chaotic, but birds can peacefully coexist with dogs! Although birds and dogs may not be able to play together, they can certainly admire each other from afar. It's important to introduce the two animals properly, and be aware if your dog has strong hunting instincts — in that case, it might be best to keep your bird in their cage when your dog is around.

Guinea Pigs

If you'd love an interspecies friendship worthy of a viral video, consider a guinea pig — just be sure to slowly introduce them to your dog. Once they warm up to each other, guinea pigs and dogs will be adorable pals who love to cuddle together. Just make sure to supervise your dog and guinea pig when they're together!


Although chickens are bigger than some other birds, they're small enough to hold in your lap, where your dogs can meet their new buddy. If you raise your chickens from the time they're chicks, you'll have plenty of time for your dog to acclimate — and lots of "awww" moments along the way!


Dogs and hamsters can learn to live with each other, but it's important to consider your new hamster's safety when you introduce the two. Again, slow introduction is key, and make sure your hamster is out of reach of your pup. If your hamster is loose in the same room as your dog, be sure your dog is on a leash and has a good grasp on its commands!


Contrary to popular belief, dogs and chinchillas are able to live together safely. Allowing your dog to pick up your chinchilla's scent while it's still caged is key to introducing your two animal friends. Just be sure to pay attention if and when your dog and chinchilla do interact!


You may wonder if cats and dogs can truly get along without quite literally fighting as the saying suggests, but the good news is that they absolutely can be friends. When you choose a cat, make sure its personality fits will with your dog, and don't be afraid to take your time with introductions. Before long, your cat and dog will live on friendly terms — and they may even cuddle like BFFs!


If you have a mellow, even-tempered dog, a gerbil may be just the companion to add to your household. Once you introduce your dog and gerbil safely, they can live together in harmony. Even though it's a good idea to keep your gerbil caged when your dog is nearby, they can still interact from a distance!


Although owning a lizard and a dog together may seem risky, lizards and dogs can live peacefully together. Be sure you research lizard breeds ahead of time — some types are more likely to get along well with dogs. But the temperament of both animals will come into play! If the match is right, your reptilian friend and canine pal can hang out . . . they'll just need some supervised interactions first!


Rabbits and dogs may seem like polar opposites, but if their temperaments complement each other, they can quickly become buddies. Before you get your heart set on adding a rabbit to your family, though, consider whether your dog is a hunting breed — calm, nonsporting dogs bond much more naturally with rabbits. Once your dog and bunny are on good terms, they'll have an abundance of love for each other!

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