This Cat's Relationship With His Stroller For Going on Walks Definitely Qualifies as a Love Affair

Despite having five cats at home, not one of them has an especially adventurous personality. So naturally, when I saw a woman named Cynthia's TikTok video of her cat, Bo, gleefully jumping into his stroller to go outside for a walk, I seethed with envy. Clearly ready to take on the world, Bo even comes when Cynthia calls him, which is pretty dang impressive for a kitty. "Just a cat and his stroller," she fittingly captioned the sweet clip.

Cynthia also added a heavy dose of cuteness by filming Bo doing his thing on a walk. Although we can't be sure if he's excited by birds or squirrels, the little chirps he makes are absolutely precious. Of course, the heartwarming video resonated with other cat-lovers on TikTok. "The communication skills of your cat are impeccable," one woman wrote. "Crystal clear messaging 😂"

Watch until the end to get a look at Bo in his element. And if your cats are confident enough to brave the great outdoors, order the Pet Gear Travel Lite Pet Stroller that Cynthia uses in order to cart around your own babies.