This Video of a Little Girl Showing Off Her Pet Sheep Is Exactly What We Needed Today

A 3-year-old British girl named Barley has always loved animals, but nothing showcases her passion for her pet sheep, Ethel, quite like this endearing video. Ahead of the Greatest Online Agriculture Show — an event where famers show off their livestock to raise money for charity — Barley's mom, Caitlin Jenkins, submitted a clip of her daughter taking Ethel for a walk, and we'd be shocked if she didn't come in first place!

The video immediately picked up speed on Twitter after James Rebanks, a writer and judge of the contest, shared it with the caption: "Spent the last hour judging the online sheep show. And I have to tell you that the young handlers under 8 class was the cutest thing I have ever seen."

Aw, how sweet! Fingers crossed that Barley takes home a prize for all her hard work!